Earth’s global environments are evolving while consumer devices and healthcare are redefining the human bodies that occupy those environments. As wearable and healthcare technologies increasingly offer access to information beyond that of human perception, new forms of personhood must be pursued to fully engage the future of designed space.
IZZI is a tool for access of information and design. Each interchangeable ring on IZZI is a unique sensor tied to health and safety, current human senses or potential future sensory perception. Rings can be added or removed depending on whom the designer is trying to better understand, from individuals to lager abstract, yet unexplored communities. IZZI is an attempt to overcome a simplistic representation of human, and in return learn more about non-human species and potential relationships of the environments we design and live in that might otherwise go unexplored.
Sean Lally and Brett Balogh
Sean Lally is the author of the book The Air from Other Planets: A Brief History of Architecture to Come. He is the host of the program ‘Night White Skies’ and is associate professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois at Chicago. seanlally.net | @Sean_Lally
Brett Balogh is a Chicago-based artist and designer making sculptural, aural and cartographic explorations of the electromagnetic landscape. He is currently an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where he teaches courses in digital fabrication, robotics, sound and electronics. brettbalogh.com | @giantmolecules